
Life is better connected. Take a step beyond Sunday mornings – whatever age and stage you are, there’s a group with people like you. We know you’ll find one you love.

WBC Team Photo

Olga Oosthuizen

Pastoral Care & Seniors

YA Guys - ws

Life Groups

Get to know other people and enjoy authentic connection and community whilst growing spiritually with others. Life Groups meet weekly, fortnightly or monthly for Bible study, prayer and doing life together.

Join a Life Group – contact

Interest Groups

Build friendships and connect with others that share a similar interest with you. Whether you are interested in the arts, sport or just want to meet with other in your age group, we would love to help get you connected.

Contact to find a group that suits you.

Seniors connection at WBC church

Whangaparaoa Toy Library

Fostering creativity & imagination through play. Contact Toy Library

Weekly Interest Groups at WBC Church

Wednesday Walking Group

Every Wednesday at 9.30am at different scenic spots on the Coast – Contact Nelson

Foodbank Team at WBC Church

WBC Foodbank team

Thursday mornings packing food boxes

Prayer - ws v2

Prayer Ministry

Various prayer groups and spaces

Creatives at WBC Church

WBC Creatives

(concerts, theatre, ballet) – events to attend

Connection Events at WBC Church

Connection events

WBC Women’s events/ WBC Men’s events

Three girls - ws

Young Adult hangouts

Social events and once a year head away for a full weekend of fun & relaxation

ESOL Group at WBC Church

English groups

  • Mon 10am – 12pm, English Beginners + Conversations & Reading
  • Wed 10am – 12pm,  Bible Study
Seniors connection at WBC church

WBC Seniors

Proverbs 16:31:
“Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained in a righteous life.”

Our WBC Seniors have regular connection events around bible study, interests, exercise, and fellowship. 

  • The Walking Group is a fun, social group who get together every Wednesday at 9:30am at different scenic spots on the Coast.
  • The second and fourth Tuesday of every month our Seniors gather for Tuesday Connect@10. This is a time for worship and fellowship with interesting and topical speakers.
  • Our Seniors have several life groups that meet at different times during the week.

We would love for you to be a part of this vibrant ministry.


Join us this Sunday

Sundays at WBC | 9.45am | 9.45am Online | 5.30pm (school terms)