WBC Kids
We’re excited to be growing a generation of everyday kids who know God, love God, live for God and share God with others!
Psalm 127:3
“Children are a gift from the Lord: They are a reward from him.”
Stay up to date with what’s happening with our WBC Kids…

Shannon Groves
WBC Kids & Families
Join us on a Sunday
Sundays at 9.45am
Your children are very welcome to join in our Sunday morning kids spaces.
During school terms we are in the 9.45 service for the first 15 minutes, and then we go out to First Steps (0-4yrs) and WBC Kids (4yrs – Yr 6).

WBC Kids: 4yrs – Year 6
(downstairs, to the left)
We have lots of fun in our WBC Kids space! You’ll sing, engage in interactive learning, discover more about the Bible and God, and hang out with a whole lot of other kids! We have a wonderful team of leaders who love being with kids and being part of their faith journey.
When you arrive at WBC, look out for the WBC Kids desk in the foyer – our team will help register your kids. Please let us know if your kids have any allergies or additional needs during the check in time. Check-in is open 10mins before the service, and again when the kids go out of the service to our Kids spaces.
Safety is important, so all Year 2s and below must be collected by their parent or caregiver from WBC Kids at the end of the service. All our leaders and helpers over the age of 17 years are police vetted.

First Steps: 0–4yrs
(in the lounge off the foyer)
Our First Steps kids enjoy free play and an engaging and interactive short mat time, with lively songs, rhymes and creatively told stories from the Bible. Your child will discover that God created them, He loves them, and Jesus is their friend forever. Your child will feel safe, welcomed, and loved at First Steps. You are welcome to stay with your child until they feel comfortable in our First Steps space, and there is a screen so you can still see and hear the service.
Safety is important to us, so all children must be signed in and out by a parent or caregiver. All our leaders and helpers over the age of 17 years are police vetted.

Parent Room
(next to the lounge, off the foyer)
Our Parent Room is a space right next to the lounge, where you can take your young children and still hear the service. Baby change facilities are available here, and in the mobility toilet across the foyer.
Coast Kindy
Supporting Families as a Community Trust of WBC
visit: www.coastkindy.co.nz
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/coastkindy/
phone: 09-428-2037
email: coastkindy@gmail.com

Coast Kindy
A Christian Childcare Centre supporting families.
Coast Kindy is our welcoming and friendly Christian Early Childhood Centre, which has been serving our local community since 1984. It’s a special place where children are loved, have fun, explore and learn in a safe environment, and families are supported as we journey through the early childhood years together.

Kin da Groove
Friday mornings 9.30am
Run by our Coast Kindy, Kin da Groove is a community music and movement programme on Friday mornings for babies to 5year olds at 9.30am in an indoor space next to the Kindy.

Whangaparaoa Toy Library
Open Saturday 9.00am – 10.30am and Wednesday 10.00am – 11.30am
Fostering Creativity & Imagination through play
For a yearly membership fee families can borrow high quality educational toys. Playing is about learning and of course, having fun too!
Visit: www.wgptoylibrary.org.nz
Email: toylibrary@wbc.org.nz